a pLacE 4 mE 2 waStE mY vaLueaBlE tYmE.. hoPe cAn givE mE suMthinG laTeR...
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
cEritA zaMan doLu2..

Saturday, July 18, 2009
tHanx smuEE... :)

Thursday, July 16, 2009
pEnaH kE sayE bZ cmNi duLu???
Saturday, July 11, 2009
H1N1 kt UTP????
Dear All,
Welcome to Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS.
Students are requested to cooperate in all mitigation measures in order to curb the spread of Influenza A (H1N1) in the campus. We would like to reiterate the following advisory and thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
§ Students are reminded to practice personal hygiene, especially washing of hands with soap and water after sneezing and coughing as this remove germs from the skin and prevent diseases from spreading. It is advisable to cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you sneeze or cough.
§ All students are advised to postpone their registration and inform the Admission Unit of Registry Office at 05-368 8155/ 8153/ 8406/ 8403 if they feel unwell or fever.
§ All existing students are required to fill-up the UTP Health Declaration form which can be obtained from the UTP website and e-learning portal. The form is also available at the Main Entrance Security Counter. Upon completion, please submit the form to UTP clinic. Students are required to submit a ‘CLEAR’ Health Declaration form endorsed by UTP Clinic to the respective residential college supervisor in order to obtain the room key.
§ All new students are required to fill up the UTP Health Declaration form and upon completion, please submit the form to the Chancellor Complex Plaza counter on the registration day.
§ Students who have returned from overseas for vacation or internship within the last 7 days are requested to seek immediate health screening at UTP clinic. Upon arrival at the Main Entrance, the student is required to get the UTP Health Declaration form at the Security Counter and the Security personnel will inform UTP Clinic immediately. The health screening will be carried out outside the clinic.
§ If a student has been identified to be a contact of any Influenza A (H1N1) case, the student is requested to inform the Admission Unit of Registry Office and to get advice from the In-house Clinic OR
§ Contact Perak Tengah Health Department Hotline at 05-371 3834 and abide by their directives.
§ If a student’s family member has been identified by the Ministry of Health, Malaysia to be a contact of an Influenza A (H1N1) case, the student is to abide by directives of the Ministry of Health on issues related to quarantine (if any).
[The current directive by Ministry of Health, Malaysia requires the family
member who has been identified as a contact to be quarantined at
home. The other family members are not required to be quarantined.]
§ If a student's family member has been identified by the Ministry of Health, Malaysia to be a confirmed case of Influenza A (H1N1), the staff is to abide by directives by the Ministry of Health on issues related to quarantine.
[The current directive by Ministry of Health, Malaysia requires the family
member who has been identified as a confirmed case is to be quarantined
and treated in the hospital. The other family members who live in the
same house as the confirmed case require to be quarantined at home.]
Please check the following websites for information on Influenza A (H1N1) updates
1. The WHO Website on Influenza A
2. The Ministry of Health Malaysia's website http://www.moh.gov.my/MohPortal/index.jsp
HSE Department will update the students should there be any significant new developments.
The contact person at UTP are:
Dr. Hjh Saadah Bt Hj Idris Samadi
In-house Doctor
Direct Line: 05-3687201 / 7200
A.P. Dr Mohd Noh B Karsiti
Director of Post Graduate Studies
cum UTP Influenza A (H1N1) Task Force Chairman
Direct Line: 05 368 8585
Wan Tarmizi B Wan Ismail
Manager of HSE Department
cum UTP Influenza A (H1N1) Task Force Secretary
Direct Line: 05 368 8261/63
Fax: 05- 365 4075
health declaration form 2 leh dpt kt elearning n da real announcment 2 kt cni
Friday, July 3, 2009
baCk aT UTP