early.. dis morning, on my way 2 pocket D, i called her.. sorry...been bz dis week.. really mis her.. las tyme we met is about 8 month ago.. during chrismast holiday.. suddenly 2 days ago, she texted me" salam zura.jz nk btau, kte fly 25 ni." shocked y tramat.. quickly find my calendar.. n dunno wut 2 say.. it's on Tuesday... mayb xde my rezki to meet her.. n she jz been informed bout it last friday.. trime kasih r mara for dat.. huhu..(xtau nk kate pe dh)..
feelin like crying (almost pon on my way 2 class, tp rmai..hua3).feeling like i'm gonna lose sumthng dat really precious.. but, there's nothing dat i can do bout it. jz can pray dat she's gonna have a safe journey, being success in her life n return to m'sia with title Dr.Hairunnisaq. waiting for dat day 2 come..always n always.. thanx for everythng friends.. without u, i'm nothng...
"When you're gone
The pieces of my heart are missing you
When you're gone
The face I came to know is missing too"

neesaq with her durian (fruit fiesta,MRSM TGB,2006)
"When you're gone
All the words I need to hear
to always get me through the day
And make it OK,
I miss you"

tiqah,me n neesaq
p/s: waiting for atiqah to inform me bout her plak.. then, i'm da only one left in m'sia (T_T)